The Grace Strategic Planning team met with the Council at their retreat this past Labor Day weekend. The team was represented by Linda Laugges, Pastor Repp, Chris Skaar, and Jim Anderson. They reported to the Council on the progress towards a Strategic Plan for the next 5-10 years. The report included a statement of core values, a mission statement, and the subjects for a set of Ministry Result Areas. The nine subject areas presented were: Youth, Growth, Building Community, Music, Stewardship, Diversity, Shared Leadership, Service, and Care for Creation.
The plan should have Smart Goals that lead to measurable changes. Those present at the retreat were asked to rank the subject area so that Smart Goals could be developed for the top five areas. Council members and team members not able to be present are being asked to rank the importance of each of these nine subject matter areas. The retreat ended with each person writing out short sentences that could be used to replace the single word subject areas and by a brainstorming session of ideas for smart goals that might be nested within these areas.