Grace Lutheran Church has a long tradition of music enriching the worship experience. Currently, Grace has an adult choir, a handbell choir, and a guitar ensemble to support our worship services. All are welcome to join.
Grace Choir
The Grace Choir sings weekly at the 9:30 a.m. worship service and rehearses every Wednesday evening at 7:00 p.m. from September through May in the choir room or sanctuary. The ensemble also sings at special services throughout the liturgical year to support and enhance the worship experience at Grace. High school students and adults are welcome to join for fellowship and worship through music. The Grace Choir is under the direction of the Director of Music. For more information or if interested in joining, please email Music@GraceLutheranCU.org.
Handbell Choir
From September through May, the handbell choir meets on Monday evenings 7:00-8:00 p.m. and plays at worship service one Sunday of the month. The ensemble is made up of ringers from middle school students through adults, plays hymn arrangements and works specifically composed for handbells. For more information or if interested in joining, please contact the Director of Music.
Guitar Ensemble
Year-round the Guitar Ensemble leads congregational singing of hymns and liturgy on certain Sundays. The group sets the rehearsal time and selects music. For more information or if interested in joining, please contact Claire Walworth Vail at ClaireWalworth@yahoo.com.
Dana Robinson has been Grace’s organist for many years. He is associate professor of organ in the University of Illinois School of Music. A native of Boston, he has performed on some of the most significant modern and historic organs in the United States, and has presented recitals, master classes, and lectures throughout the country. He maintains an active schedule of teaching and performing, and he and his students can often be heard practicing or engaged in lessons throughout the week at Grace.
The Pedersen Memorial Organ at Grace is a 2-manual, 23-rank, 17-stop, tracker-action, Baroque-style instrument built in 1975 by Casavant Frères of St. Hyacinthe, Québec, Canada (Op. 3246)