Welcome to Grace Lutheran Church! Join us for worship on Sunday morning. Grace is a welcoming community of believers, led in faith and prayer by Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit, committed to loving witness in service to God.
Who We Are

Grace Lutheran Church is part of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. Lutheranism is an approach to the Christian faith that emphasizes the grace of God above all – simply we believe the Christian message is first and foremost about what God does for us, and only secondarily about what we do for God and one another.

The essential component of Christian worship is not what we do for God but what God does for us. We gather around word and sacrament to encounter God, who is truly present to us in and through these “means of grace.” And when God is truly present, God is truly acting on our behalf, doing something to and for us. God the Holy Spirit makes the saving work of Jesus Christ’s death and resurrection a reality in our lives by creating faith in us that trusts the promise of the gospel. That is what worship is about. We worship so that, by the grace of God, we “may come to believe… and that through believing we may have life…” [John 20:31]
Living the Faith

Because of what God has done for us and in us, we praise God! We pray and sing. We seek to be inclusive so that to people of every race, gender, and culture experience the gospel in ways that are relevant to them. We come to love the world that God loves and to act accordingly in the personal, social, and political spheres in which we participate. Our faithful, thankful, joyous responses to God’s grace happen as a matter of course. At Grace, we have many opportunities to express our responses through worship and music, through education, through social ministry, through other volunteer activities.
What To Expect
We love to have visitors join us at Grace! When you come for the first time, there may be some questions about where to park, which door to go through, and other things you may want to know on Sunday morning. We have put together a list of some helpful tips to answer some of these questions.