COVID-19 Protocols
UPDATED: 2/9/2023
Grace has been committed throughout the COVID-19 pandemic to following all public health guidelines. Based on local recommendations, we now leave masking to your personal preference. We will continue for now to use the green tape crosses on the floor in the center aisle and up front to help you keep your distance from others during Communion. The pastor and communion assistants will, for now, continue to mask during the distribution of Holy Communion. Please see the Communion section of the service below for more.
Small groups and committees may meet in the church building. Those that do so are asked to follow public health guidelines and be sensitive to the comfort level of those involved, so that no one is excluded. A remote option for those who do not yet wish to attend in person is strongly encouraged.
If you visit us virtually, you are welcome to fill out our online visitor form here.
What to Expect
Grace Lutheran Church is a welcoming community of believers, led in faith and prayer by Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit, committed to loving witness in service to God. We hope you can join us for a worship service, or other ministry opportunities! You can learn more about our worship styles under our worship tab here. When you join us, here are some helpful tips:
We have a parking lot on the East side of the building, as well as a few extra spaces on the opposite side if you follow the driveway on the south side of the building. You are also welcome to park on Union Street or Speed Lube across the street on Springfield as allowed us to park there as well.

Main Entrance
You will see when you first arrive there are many options for entrances to our building. Our main entrance is facing our parking lot, and are the doors on the north end. The picture above is posted for reference.

Get Connected
The first people at our doors will be our greeters. They are normally located by our doors before the 9:30 and they will be the first people you will see. They are there to help welcome you and answer any questions you may have.
We also have a visitor’s book that you are encouraged to sign. When you first walk in the doors, it will be on your right.

Children at Grace
Children are welcome in worship and the pastor gives a children’s sermon each Sunday. If you have to take your child out of the service, we do have a nice large nursery down the hall to the left from the main entrance. The nursery is currently not staffed on Sunday mornings.
Sunday School and Coffee Hour

After the 9:30 a.m. service we have our Sunday School and coffee hour. Coffee hour is located in our narthex (just outside our sanctuary) where we provide coffee and other refreshments. This is an opportunity to meet and chat with our members in a casual setting. You can learn more about our Adult Faith Formation opportunities here.
If you have any other questions about your first time joining us, you can contact us here.