Worship is the defining activity of any Christian community. It is where we most fully and intentionally encounter God. We understand our worship “service” to be first and foremost God’s service to us. In the Word read and proclaimed, God speaks to us a message that is both challenge and promise.

In Holy Communion God draws us into the risen life of Christ, fed with his body in order to become his body in the world for the sake of the world. Through this encounter, God the Holy Spirit creates and strengthens our faith, which we express in prayer, praise, and thanksgiving. This faith becomes active in love toward God and our neighbor as we are sent back into our daily lives.
Service Information
Grace has one service at 9:30 a.m. each Sunday. The service is livestreamed and can be found on our Facebook page or YouTube channel.
Our services include readings, prayers, congregational and choral music, and Communion. Once a month, we have a guitar service led by guitar players in the congregation. Throughout the year, we offer other services, such as our Christmas Eve service, midweek services during Lent, Holy Week services, and our Easter service.
We believe that God is at work in this worship service, through Word and Sacrament, to create and sustain faith in God’s promises of love, forgiveness, and reconciliation in Jesus Christ. We use a rich, traditional pattern of worship that dates to the early days of Christianity. We recognize that it comes with a bit of a learning curve, but we’re convinced that it’s worth the effort. Don’t feel like you have to get everything the first time. This way of worshipping may also include postures like standing and kneeling that may not be possible or comfortable for everyone. Please know that you are welcome to do what works for you.
Communion Information
We believe that Christ is truly present for us in the bread and wine of Holy Communion, forming us into his body for the sake of the world. We welcome to the Lord’s table all baptized Christians. Those who are not baptized we invite to explore with us the Christian faith and consider baptism. Those who do not commune are invited to come forward to receive a blessing. Please hold the service bulletin in your hands as a sign that you would like a blessing.
To receive communion, please join the line in the center aisle and proceed to the pastor. (Note: gluten-free wafers are available. Just ask the pastor.) After receiving the bread, proceed to your left or right to receive the wine, taking a pre-filled glass from the tray. (Grape juice is also available.) Place your used glass in the basket provided near the stairs on the side you leave.